Friday, January 23, 2009

optimus prime takes over white house

As you may have heard, Barack Obama was officially sworn into office this past Tuesday. 

Does anyone else feel like the Autobots regained control over the Decipticons? The eight year vice grip that Bush Jr. and co. had over the country feels much like how the Decipticons would have run the country - lacking care about the planet and depleting our scarce resources, war mongering, overall deception.

And then Optimus Prime and the rest of the Autobot clan stormed the White House. The Autobots, stewards of humanity, guardians of Earth. Anyway, I'm going to have to look into this analogy a bit further. Some things don't jive. For instance, Bush Jr. does not have the leadership or mental capacity to play the part of Megatron. But I definitely see Dick Cheney as Starscream. Then again, Hillary Clinton in no way resembles the hot, chick Autobot. On the other hand, Condoleeza Rice for sure is a robot in disguise.


I just did some searching on this topic. Sure enough, there is already some online content about Transformer-American political party parallels. And I also just found the coolest t-shirt (already purchased) since I used to be a Sexual Ninja. So my idea isn't unique. Who cares. The collective intellect recognizes Obama as Prime. "Democrats, roll out!"

Anyway, a GreensandBrowns east coast correspondent provided some exclusive coverage of the mood in Washington D.C. over the weekend and leading up to Tuesday:

"2mln people.  traffic in virginia was light this morning.  but most people started the day at 4 am to get into the city.  parade starts at 2:30.  vibe in city has been fun this past weekend.  everyone generally in a good mood.  i thought that was gonna help me get some action but some things never change....."

(He is obviously not sold on Obama's "change" platform).

One botched oath and one thrilling inaugural speech hammered home that this is real. Really real. And now, the hard part begins. 

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debbie said...

have you heard that every social situation in life can be analogized to star wars?

hillary clinton would be jabba the hut... think about it

PJS said...

Hello Whistleblower,

GreensandBrowns appreciates your comment.

We have not heard that before, but it definitely makes sense and will be considered to resolve/explain any circumstance going forward.

If Hillary is Jabba, I definitely see Billary as Han Solo frozen in carbonite. He's not really allowed to do anything, and there must be a bounty on him if he tries to escape.

The G&B team