Monday, March 12, 2012

the waiting list

waiting list at magnolia 
We are officially playing the waiting game. This picture, taken at Magnolia in the Haight, from a few weeks back seems appropriate as we helplessly wait to sign final papers and receive keys. Having sold off a good chunk of our furniture, we've been in limbo for a couple of weeks now.Clothes splayed on the floor, suitcases trying in vain to do their best dresser impersonations. There are even a couple of new furniture pieces that have been purchased with nowhere to deliver them.

Ah, the not-so-delightful joys of moving. Let's not do this again for at least five years.
Emmelle, the one in the super champions hoodie, waits.

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

pacific cannery lofts

Time to show some preliminary photos of our new pad. The hard wood floors were recently installed on the first floor; we will be doing our final walk-thru at the end of this week. If I were to editorialize this objective blog post, I would write, "Give us the damn keys already."

Thanks for stopping by!

sprinkler head pacific cannery lofts

pacific cannery lofts - view from dining room

pacific cannery lofts - kitchen

pacific cannery lofts - living area