Thursday, February 19, 2009


Oh man, it's been over a week since my last posting (One of my few goals with this blog was to try to add to its contents at least once a week). I have accumulated plenty of post ideas during that time but require just a couple of more days to piece things together. Please stay tuned for the next episode.

I will say this:

There is nothing quite as bromantic as buying a grown man a pink loofah (with a pig tied to it) to use during his stay with you, and that guy taking it with him back to the east coast as a keepsake to commemorate the visit.

It's purely bromantic.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

long lost penguin

Are you aware that YouTube now generates more search volume than Yahoo

Does this blow your mind as much as it does mine? Maybe this shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Every person I know plays the game "Who can find the most interesting/comical content on YouTube" and share it before the next guy does. Thus, there must be some folks out there who are constantly searching...and searching.

At a recent retreat, Abacus Champ (formerly Linn-Duh) proudly boasted that he knew "the best kids getting hit in the face" clips. Before he had a chance to catch a whiff of his morning breath, he had his laptop open to YouTube, searching for any new clips to ensure that his claim held true for another day. 

I, on the other hand, still prefer my online entertainment in written word, but have found my own practical use for YouTube. It's the best tool available to back fill some of the fuzzier memories of content I have consumed in the past. Those blurred, amorphous images no longer lie dormant.

For example, I once saw this remarkable footage of a domesticated penguin on Animal Planet (tangent: If you ever find yourself without headphones on a flight that offers satellite programming, just flip over to Animal Planet and watch animals maul unsuspecting people. You really don't need audio to understand what's going on). I thought I would never see it again. What an interesting time we live in, one in which we are able to unlock stored memories with a few typed words.

I promise you will enjoy this, and thanks for stopping by!

Now, if only somebody can relay to me the video footage of sleeping piglets in water that aired during the same episode, I will send you a gift of equal value. Video is great, but don't let words escape you.

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Thursday, February 5, 2009

at least i don't punch babies

About once a quarter, I force myself to confront some of my mishaps and foibles as a Man Friend (with the tender direction of ML). Honestly, I try to remain as focused on Man Friend improvement for as long as I can, but at some point, my thoughts morph into defense mode. I then race through a mental check list of all of the outlandish mayhem that I could be wreaking on our relationship and convince myself that I am a devoted Man Friend for absurd reasons such as these:

"Well, at least I don't yell at you, or beat you, or cheat on you. And I sing way better than this guy! You are so gosh darn lucky!"

It has taken me years to understand that these claims count for nothing. 

Now, I know what you may be thinking: "I thought the dude from GreensandBrowns was a good boyfriend. I have never been so mistaken!" Let me address this before I continue on with my explanation. 

You are wrong (and thanks for stopping by). Moving on...

Let me use you, the reader as an example. Refer to your own current relationship or the last one you torpedoed. Your friends and family are always telling you things like, "Don't forget what a great person you are and how much you deserve. You have so much to offer." 

Well, any relationship commences with that as a baseline, right? You are able to maintain a "in a relationship" Facebook status because lucky for you, somebody special noticed that (1) you are a great person, (2) your greatness deserves his/her attention, (3) he/she would love to accept your offerings. How you present yourself to somebody of interest is merely a starting point; you are at the base of the summit. Your entire relationship will be spent scaling the mountainside. I think ultimately, it's part of the reason why so many relationships fail. The absolute best is offered at the onset; the rest becomes difficult to live up to. 

Thus, being at the base, you can't reduce yourself to anything less. You can try by literally and figuratively digging yourself into a hole. Hypothetically, if you are the kind of Man Friend to throw his girl extravagant surprise birthday parties, lavish her with the choicest Teleflora flowers, or take her to the finest restaurants that San Francisco has to offer, you must always stay true to that standard. But occasionally, you just want to kick up your heels and say:

"Well, at least I don't punch babies or soil my unmentionables. And I smell way better than this kid is about to smell. You or so gosh darn lucky!"

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

double the fun

An historic event occurred this past Saturday at HP Pavilion in San Jose. ML and I went on our first double date with Saebom and The Death Starez.

While the younglings will not be challenging our crown as the preeminent power couple in the G
reensandBrowns universe, it was a pleasure to spend some time with them.  My only regret is that the Kiss Cam never found these two love birds. I am still very much interested to see what would have transpired had the two appeared on the jumbotron during that break. Would they have succumbed to the auditory pressure of 17,000+ fans? Or would they feel the heat of my eyes boring holes through their heads? 

Just for those in attendance last night: We witnessed something that rarely happens in NHL games.

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