Monday, May 4, 2009

greensandbrowns on twitter

Exciting happenings in the GreensandBrowns universe! 

The team has set up a Twitter account, and recent updates can now be found on the left-hand navigation bar. If you have an account, let's be Twitter mates. Wouldn't you rather have a barrage of G&B updates sent directly to your cell phone rather than the manual weekly check-in to the site that you are currently conducting (and by "weekly", we both really mean "daily" or "hourly")? Let's get my following count quickly up from a "0" to "1", and then quite possibly to "2" thereafter. You follow me, I follow you. The possibilities are endless.

The G&B Twitter account will be monitored by none other than Darth Sexual. 

Here are some samples of what you might expect (in 140 characters or less):
  • i brewed beer at home. it tastes like my foot. i am willing to share
  • there is a man that works on the fourth floor of my building. he takes poopies on the sixth (my) floor
  • can somebody pick me up?
  • xmen 3 on fx. gayest movie ever? fight in sf, marginalized for genetic mutation, mega-gay Archangel, bromance - Xavier & Magneto
  • Emelle's pet fish died: Less competition, on my way to the top!
Return to the GreensandBrowns home page.


saebom said...

Oh boy...
(because it's stupid)
(but watch.. i'm probably going to end up liking it)

Anonymous said...

i need to fix that picture. with all your "gay" references in this post, it's really not sending a good message.

PJS said...

Hello WonQ,

GreensandBrowns appreciates your comment.

The picture is fine and great (thanks for your hard work on this) and doesn't conjure any gay connotation. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

The GreensandBrowns Team