Friday, March 25, 2011

love letter

I remember a summer's day
I remember walking up to you
I remember my face turned red
And I remember staring at my feet
I remember before we met
I remember sitting next to you
And I remember pretending I wasn't looking

So we'll try and try
Even if it lasts an hour
With all our might
We'll try and make it ours
Cause we're on our way
We're on our way to fall in love

I remember conversations that only you will understand. The ones we've shared quietly drifting off to sleep, the ones that we laughed at together when the light turns green.

I remember decisions that we made. The ones that mean something. The ones that will impact tomorrow and the day after. Cabrillo. Lima. Madeleine cookies...

I remember watching the sun dry up the March rain and being happy. I remember my body splayed across my large bed and being happy that it's only for a moment.

I remember feeling that it's almost time and being happy.

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

botegga in yountville

Ash Wednesday. No meat. I've been successful thus far. What better way to cure that insatiable carnivorous craving than to write about it?

A couple of weekends ago, Emmelle planned a wonderful Sunday afternoon for us highlighted by a splendid Thai massage and an afternoon meal at Michael Chiarello's Bottega restaurant in Napa Valley. We've been waiting to eat here for a long time, even having had to cancel a reservation a year earlier. Who wouldn't want to eat here? We have a finalist from Top Chef Masters' inaugural season in our own backyard!

I actually remember watching Chiarello on PBS a few years before food became a staple of television entertainment and always thought that he made great, exquisite food (I could also sense that he's probably a bit of a prick). Even now, I'll always stop and watch until at least the end of a segment if his Food TV show happens to be on air; everything he makes appears stunning, and he executes complex techniques so effortlessly. Even now, I feel like I can prepare a great rack of lamb and serve it to a group of ten on my backyard deck. I've never tried and I don't have a backyard, but Chiarello tells me I can. Not even Rachel Ray's thirty minute calorie bombs instill that sort of confidence in me.

I digress.

Our experience was enjoyable. It was a busy Sunday afternoon, and weekend wine aficionados packed the large dining area.
Hands down the best thing we ate was the sumptuous Green Eggs and Ham (below), which coincidentally, appeared on Food TV's Best Thing I Ever Ate program.

In general, I try to limit our epicurean excursions of Italian places to uniquely exceptional establishments. I can't stand slurping down a pricey plate of pasta when I know that I can execute it better in my own kitchen with my dull knives and substandard skills. However, when we do dine at finer Italian (or Italian-inspired) restaurants, I absolutely love the notion that the pasta dish is a build up to the main course. An appetizer. It's my type of cuisine.

Somebody get me a pasta maker. And a flight to Rome.

bortegga green eggs and ham

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Monday, March 7, 2011

mobile uploads

Did you know that you can take pictures on your mobile phone and either upload/email them to your computer or directly share it through a social media platform? Of course you didn't; that's why I'm around to teach you these things. What a great time to be alive, right now, in 2011, where we can for the very first time, start to pilot this fascinating technology.

korean air stewardesses

I accompanied my parents on Saturday morning to meet an acquaintance from Korea at the Union Square Hilton Hotel. I'd never been there before but knew that it's frequented largely by international travelers. While seated in a quiet section of the lobby, I noticed a large congregation of Korean Air stewardesses form a huddle around their pilot to my left. There were probably about 15 young ladies reviewing itineraries and giggling at the captain's lame jokes (I actually didn't hear a word he said).

2012 honda civic

Cars were cleared by the city on Emmelle's street on Sunday due to a Honda commercial. We got a sneak peak at the 2012 Civic; I can't wait to see if we can recognize her neighborhood when the spots (I'm assuming they are for local dealerships) air.

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

may 21, 2011 - someone else's perspective

Emmelle and I just booked our honeymoon travel to Paris, France. However, I stumbled upon this CNN video which suggests that Paris won't be around after our wedding date - neither will planes, the sky or anything. That's tough; I've always considered the honeymoon to be a just reward for all of the planning and preparation that has consumed this past year.

It would be extremely helpful to know when exactly the rapture will arrive on May 21. I'm really hoping that we'll be able to squeeze in the father-son dance that I've been rehearsing. This also severely jeopardizes the planned talent show portion of the reception.

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

stronachie 12 years

A few weeks ago, I trekked out in the pouring rain to my local BevMo store for a new bottle of whisky. After staring at the same set of bottles in the store for twenty minutes or so, I left with the Stronachie 12 years (pronounced "Stronachie 12 years").

I am actually familliar with this bottle; I purchased one for
Emmelle's uncle just a couple of months ago after a whisky merchant recommended it as a good combination of sweet and smoke. I remember liking it when I sat down with Emmelle's family to drink it; or at least I remember liking it because I made a point to. Remember, whiskies are for strong and virile men!

While still a novice in the single malt game, I definitely know that I prefer a peatier, saltier dram. Thus, I was disappointed with the sweeter properties of the Stronachie and seemingly similar characteristics to the first two single malts I had purchased (Highland Park 12 years and Yamazaki 12 years). That's not to say that this single malt is bad, I think it's just what I'm not looking for at this point. And I can confidently say that I enjoy the first two more.

And for whatever reason, I've had an incredibly difficult time identifying what I'm tasting with this single malt. What I can detect: some cinnamon/nutmeg nodes, a distinct oak flavor, malt and a smoke that coats your mouth with every nip. (I read in a tasting note online the presence of raisins, which I certainly agree with. I wish I could have identified that on my own. I stink at this.)

Ultimately, this is a decent scotch for me, but I don't think I'll be purchasing it again anytime soon. I'll try to keep this around for guests. Come over and drink it.

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stronachie 12 years

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

wedding rings

wedding rings

Wedding rings are in...but cannot be worn. Or can they?

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

chipotle buy one get one free

Yesterday, a co-worker informed me that Chipotle was offering a buy-one-get-one-free promotion through an integrated campaign on its Facebook Page and offline partnership with a new television series. As a digital marketer, perhaps I should weigh in on the effectiveness and innovation of an online-offline campaign such as this one. But I'd rather not, because you know, I don't like to talk about work unless it's absolutely necessary.

What I do want to talk about (and remember) though is the fact that I immediately printed out the coupon, left work early, considered multiple restaurant locations and routes home and redeemed the exciting coupon for a chicken and steak burrito with all of the tex-mex-cali fixins'. A proper and cost-effective Monday feast with Emmelle. I voraciously scarfed down 1.5 burritos to avoid turning to a soggy, refrigerated burrito days later.

What a great meal for our wedding planning penny pinching needs. What a terrible meal for our wedding planning dieting needs.

Years from now, when my life is considerably different from where and what it is now, I'd like to think that I will have the same zeal for coupons...and food...especially when they go together.

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