Monday, June 27, 2011

honeymoon in france (nice)

nice downtown

In the blog world, I'm about a month behind as I am just now finally catching up on reviewing pictures taken during the second week of our honeymoon. No matter, I think I'll be playing a little catch up for months to come. I'm quite sure that I'll still be opining about our wedding day six months down the road.

nice coastline

So without wasting anymore time, here's a little from the beach side city of Nice, tucked away neatly along the western side of the French Riviera, just miles from the Italian border. We (famously) lost internet connectivity during this leg of the trip. Besides the pain brought upon my readership's inability to keep abreast of all our of our French escapades, this also prevented Emmelle and I from planning any activities. Thus, the beach town kept us hostage - swimming, shopping, and general frolicking...It's a charmed life (or it was).

nice door

nice balcony

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