Monday, January 17, 2011

remembering london

Much has gotten in the way of a proper blog post. And I'm a little saddened to say that I didn't even offer up a holiday card in 2010. Tsk, tsk. We are keeping busy, and GreensandBrowns was unfortunately de-prioritized and neglected.

It looks like we last left off with a lovely photo of Abbey Road. There's not too much to say about my trip at this point. I flew to Heathrow Airport on a Tuesday night and arrived Wednesday afternoon. I spent a couple of nights in Brighton before having the weekend to myself in London. I rode all over the city, taking pictures and making mental notes of the sights and sounds I'd like to experience with Emmelle together when she has a proper opportunity to visit the UK. It was a hellish, tiresome Saturday - but I captured some decent photos.

I should say however, that I was not successful in meeting Harry Potter during this business trip - which was more or less my main objective.

london subway station

big ben london

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