"Chances" by Five for Fighting
"Pictures of You" by The Cure
"The Rollercoaster Ride" by Belle and Sebastian
"What is Life" by George Harrison
"The Joker" by The Steve Miller Band
A weekend trip to southern California afforded Emmelle, C-Monster and me to visit our favorite family in Thousand Oaks. I had my camera to snap a few pictures of the photogenic tots. It also reminded me that I've neglected my photo journal duties of our wedding. So let's get back into the swing of things with some adorable photos of the younglings.
Baby Chloe, (a.k.a. our co-flower girl) who is no longer a baby with her fourth birthday arriving in a matter of weeks. She owned (hogged) our wedding reception dance floor, much to the delight of pretty much everyone in attendance. She is a scene stealer, this one. Chloe's father has been relegated to Muppet Babies' nanny status.
Proudly showing off vastly improving motor skills and Auntie Emmelle's gift - Hello Kitty stickers.
And here is Baby Dylan, who from here on out will be referred to as Baby Godzilla, hell-bent on razing all of older sister's possessions and projects. But let's cut Baby Godzilla some slack. His mother's refusal to cut his hair leaves him partially blind. He has no idea where he's going.
And why is Baby Godzilla smiling below? Because [insert name here] got bludgeoned over the head with a [blunt or sharp object]. That is funny. This occurred after older sister demanded his removal from the Hello Kitty nail application appointment because "it's for girls. Dylan is a boy". This is not fully accurate. Dylan is half boy, half green lizard who terrorizes his older sister (and the Japanese). Moments later, he stole older sister's new nail polish, slammed it shut in his tiny foot-operated vehicle and sped away. He would return later to trample all over a puzzle older sister was working on. Roar!
Exclusive 12-course fine dining experience at the chef's table or a quick morning bite counter-side at a local diner? No one knows for sure. Great company though.
Nearly three months into our relationship, I regret not being able to capture and save the numerous conversations at the dinner table, in the car, tucked in bed for future viewing and sharing. Perhaps those conversations are best kept in private and floated into the ether.
Regardless, at least there's Gmail chat.
Whenever possible (and noteworthy), I'll try to post quips and anecdotes related to Emmelle and my most critical discussions. Such as the one below. "Critical".
Preview clip from videographer. Congratulations to the happy couple; it's always life affirming to see two people who clearly belong together, come together.