Tuesday, May 26, 2009

memorial day weekend, whale's vagina

Emmelle and I ushered in summer 2009 with a drive to Whale's Vagina* over the long weekend. We opted to trek down 101 rather than 5 to make some stops along the central coast which I personally have never taken the time to explore. Once we reached our final destination, I was pleased with my body's ability to endure the lengthy drive like road trips past (e.g., I once drove to Iowa with some buddies in about 30 hours). And then I slept for twelve hours on one of the nights to recuperate, and I still don't feel fully rested. 

My body is getting older (so is yours)...

Laetitia winery in Arroyo Grande about an hour north of Santa Barbara. The vineyard is located right off of 101, making it ideal for a quick stop to stretch the legs and sample some of the local grapes. There are some really nice wineries down here; it's amazing how Napa's marketing machine was able to brand itself as the pre-eminent region for California wine. Anyway, just throwing in this pic to gross you out. 

Cafe Firenze in Moorpark owned by Top Cheftestant Fabio from season 5. We were sadly underwhelmed by this establishment, a huge restaurant in a suburban strip mall. Absolutely no charm or intimacy, the decor was reminiscent of a Cheesecake Factory or some gaudy Las Vegas eatery. As for the food, it was decent. Again, nothing overwhelming. I did enjoy the beef carpaccio, a dish universally praised by the judges on the show.  

The zoo. I have been telling some folks that we vacation like an old, retired couple. Early to rise and early to bed with a touristy activity or two mixed in between. I can't handle anything else. My body is getting older.

The pictures aren't really meant to entertain or solicit a response. I'm just putting it out there more as a reminder that it's summer now. Fill up your weekend calendars and snap some memories.

Thanks for stopping by.

Ron Burgundy: Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina. 
Veronica Corningstone: No, there's no way that's correct. 
Ron Burgundy: I'm sorry, I was trying to impress you. I don't know what it means. I'll be honest, I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore. Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago. 
Veronica Corningstone: Doesn't it mean Saint Diego? 
Ron Burgundy: No. No. 
Veronica Corningstone: No, that's - that's what it means. Really. 
Ron Burgundy: Agree to disagree. 

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Monday, May 4, 2009

greensandbrowns on twitter

Exciting happenings in the GreensandBrowns universe! 

The team has set up a Twitter account, and recent updates can now be found on the left-hand navigation bar. If you have an account, let's be Twitter mates. Wouldn't you rather have a barrage of G&B updates sent directly to your cell phone rather than the manual weekly check-in to the site that you are currently conducting (and by "weekly", we both really mean "daily" or "hourly")? Let's get my following count quickly up from a "0" to "1", and then quite possibly to "2" thereafter. You follow me, I follow you. The possibilities are endless.

The G&B Twitter account will be monitored by none other than Darth Sexual. 

Here are some samples of what you might expect (in 140 characters or less):
  • i brewed beer at home. it tastes like my foot. i am willing to share
  • there is a man that works on the fourth floor of my building. he takes poopies on the sixth (my) floor
  • can somebody pick me up?
  • xmen 3 on fx. gayest movie ever? fight in sf, marginalized for genetic mutation, mega-gay Archangel, bromance - Xavier & Magneto
  • Emelle's pet fish died: http://alamonica.blogspot.com/2009/05/pet-fish.html Less competition, on my way to the top!
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